Friday, January 25, 2008

And The Fun Begins

It is finally Friday. And I was all happy about it until I realized that I have more work to get done this weekend than I thought. A surprise family get together got thrown in on Sunday and the hubs is working all day on Saturday. Oh, and little H has a parade that she is riding in on Saturday. The parade is really an all day thing by the time we get dressed, gather our stuff and try to get a park. She has to be on the float 2 hours ahead of the time of the parade....somebody please explain that logic to me!
So let me recap......I have been at work at least 50 hours this week, not counting drive time (Baton Rouge traffic is a B*t*), the weather is terrible, I have a 11 month old baby who I'm trying to keep well, I have a family "get together" that I have to cook for, a Mardi Gras parade to prepare for and attend, a weeks worth of laundry and grocery shopping to get done all sometime in the next 48 hours!
My head is spinning already and I'm still sitting at my desk at work!

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