Thursday, January 24, 2008

First Post

So I have been reading blogs for months now and I just decided that it might be fun to start one of my own. I really don't even know where to begin so I think I will just start by telling about my family and our life.

I have a wonderful, patient husband that puts up with all my crazy ideas. He once told me that I have a "itty, bitty, blonde mind"! That was the greatest thing he has ever said to me....I know he regrets it to this day because everytime he wants me to do something, I tell him I can't....I have a "itty, bitty blonde mind" you can imagine, it got old several years ago but I still to this day love it.....that may tell you something about my demented personality. We will just call my hubby H for this blog's purpose. He really is a great man. He takes such good care of me and my kids.

Speaking of my kids. I have two. One 12 year old spit fire we call "little H". She came in my life at a time when I really needed something to live for. I was not expecting to ever have a child and was in a terrible relationship but to this day I consider her the reason I am still alive! Because I had her, I got my life together and started living as much of a responsible life that I know how to live!
When she was only 10 months old, I became a single parent, working 60-80 hours a week to support us. I had great friends and a reason to make it. I thought it would be just me and her forever when I was lucky enough to meet the love of my life. Literally.

Ever heard the old saying about meeting single people in the grocery store? Well, thats where I met my hubby. It is true....I couldn't believe it either but sure enough....I was working in a grocery store and he walked in the door. I turned around and told the girl I was working with that I was going to marry that man! Three years later, I did!

We moved to another town, went thru hell and came out with a few burns but we did make it out alive.

We were surprised to learn one Wednesday night that we were going to have a baby....let me back up and say that we went thru 3 years of fertility treatments. I had 3 surgeries and was told I would never conceive again. I was told to have a hysterectomy and I had actually made my appointment but started a new job and backed out at the last minute. Five months later, by boobs hurt. I bought a pregnancy test and took it without telling anybody I was taking it. I had after all wasted tons of money and my hubby was tired of seeing me cry about a negative test. I went home from work, started cooking supper and had to pee...I decided to test just in case. When the digital test said 'pregnant' I couldn't believe my eyes and took it to my husband. He looked at it and said "hold on, I'll be right back" and got dressed and went to the drug store to buy another test. He came home with 6 different test. Then he made me pee in a cup and he started ripping the test open. All 6 came back with either two lines, a plus sign or said 'pregnant'. He still didn't believe it until I went to the doctor to have a blood test. Nine months later, we welcomed our miracle baby "B" home! After many complications, a stay in ICU and a hysterectomy, our family is now complete. We both work full time and try to juggle our kids and spend at least some time with each other.

I can't wait to share our life with whoever might me interested in reading. Granted, most of the time, it will be boring but I hope to be able to write something that may be interesting to at least one or two people. Even if one of them is only me!

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